Welcome to my Visual Knowledge Building blog. On the left you see the different pages you can click on.
This weblog contains different pages. When clicked on the page Visual Knowledge Building you will see the theory that has been discussed in the courses. When clicked on the page Visual Communication you will also see the theory about VC that has been discussed.
For the training part of VKB you must click on Sketchbook VKB Training which contains all the exercises I made.
And lastly I made a page where you can read what my vision is on VKB & VC and the topics that come with it. For this you must click on My Vision on VC & VKB.
This weblog contains different pages. When clicked on the page Visual Knowledge Building you will see the theory that has been discussed in the courses. When clicked on the page Visual Communication you will also see the theory about VC that has been discussed.
For the training part of VKB you must click on Sketchbook VKB Training which contains all the exercises I made.
And lastly I made a page where you can read what my vision is on VKB & VC and the topics that come with it. For this you must click on My Vision on VC & VKB.
Aris Scheurwater