Assignment 1 Selfportraits
Leonardo Da Vinci
Nationality: Italian
When was the portrait done or when did the artist lived: The artist lived from 1452 till 1519. The selfportrait was possibly made in 1512-1515What kind of art does it represent (i.e. Impressionism, Pop Art):High Renaissance
What medium is it in (i.e. acrylic paint, photograph, pencil): It is made with red chalk on paper.
Where is the self-portrait located: Royal Library of Turin
Write a short description of the self-portrait (What does the artist look like? What is the setting of the piece? How big is it ? What is the artist doing?): You can see clearly that the artist is very old. If you compare it with an figure or a person, I would say that he looks like a biblical figure someone like or even maybe like God. The setting of the piece is paper. The artist is posing, the eyes of the figure do not engage the viewer but gaze ahead.The size of the portrait is 33.3 cm × 21.6 cm
Francis Bacon
Nationality: Irish
When was the portrait done or when did the artist lived: It is unclear when the portrait was done. The artist lived from 1909 till 1992. It is possible that the artist made this painting in the sixties, because that was the time he made a lot like these paintings using this type of style.
What kind of art does it represent (i.e. Impressionism, Pop Art): Expressionism
What medium is it in (i.e. acrylic paint, photograph, pencil): It looks like the artist used paint. Or some other kinds of paint for instance acrylic paint.
It is possible this portrait is made on linen because Bacon used to paint on linen very often.
When was the portrait done or when did the artist lived: It is unclear when the portrait was done. The artist lived from 1909 till 1992. It is possible that the artist made this painting in the sixties, because that was the time he made a lot like these paintings using this type of style.
What kind of art does it represent (i.e. Impressionism, Pop Art): Expressionism
What medium is it in (i.e. acrylic paint, photograph, pencil): It looks like the artist used paint. Or some other kinds of paint for instance acrylic paint.
Where is the self-portrait located: Location unknown
Write a short description of the self-portrait (What does the artist look like? What is the setting of the piece? How big is it ? What is the artist doing?): The artist being an expressionist always made portraits of the inner look rather than the outer look. The artist believed, that by making the head misshaped and deformed, the viewer could have a better impression of the mental and emotional status of the person depicted. So that explains why the artist’ head is heavily deformed. In one way you could say it looks like he wears a mask. The whole aura of the painting is very dark one. The feeling that you have with this one is dark and somewhat frightening one. This portrait is a reflection of the struggle that Bacon has with his somewhat his identity. It is possible this portrait is made on linen because Bacon used to paint on linen very often.
Albrecht Durer
Nationality: German
When was the portrait done or when did the artist lived: The artist lived from 1471 until 1528. The portrait was made in 1500
What kind of art does it represent (i.e. Impressionism, Pop Art): The art that is represented in this portrait is Renaissance. Late mid-century’s early Renaissance.
What medium is it in (i.e. acrylic paint, photograph, pencil): The artist used oilpaint on panel
The size of the portrait is 67 x 49 cm.
When was the portrait done or when did the artist lived: The artist lived from 1471 until 1528. The portrait was made in 1500
What kind of art does it represent (i.e. Impressionism, Pop Art): The art that is represented in this portrait is Renaissance. Late mid-century’s early Renaissance.
What medium is it in (i.e. acrylic paint, photograph, pencil): The artist used oilpaint on panel
Where is the self-portrait located: Alte Pinakothek, Munich
Write a short description of the self-portrait (What does the artist look like? What is the setting of the piece? How big is it ? What is the artist doing?): The image is widely idealized as an Christ like image. By depicting himself this kind of way, it may have been Durer’s intent to remind the viewers that an artist’s creative spirit is God-given. The artist is facing straight forward. He is wearing a brown robe with a dark brown fur collar. The size of the portrait is 67 x 49 cm.
Paul Gauguin
Nationality: French
When was the portrait done or when did the artist lived: The artist lived from 1848 until 1903. The portrait was done in 1888
What kind of art does it represent (i.e. Impressionism, Pop Art): Postimpressionism When was the portrait done or when did the artist lived: The artist lived from 1848 until 1903. The portrait was done in 1888
What medium is it in (i.e. acrylic paint, photograph, pencil): It is made with oilpaint on cloth
Where is the self-portrait located: Musée d'Orsay
Write a short description of the self-portrait (What does the artist look like? What is the setting of the piece? How big is it ? What is the artist doing?): The artist Gauguin has a somewhat worried look on his face. Gauguin depicted himself in this portrait as Jean Valjean, the main character from Les Miserables. Gauguin compared this novelhero, who was exiled by society but had a great deal of inner strength and love, with the underappreciated artists of his time including himself.
The size of the painting is 45 x 55 cm
Joan Miro
Nationality: Spanish
When was the portrait done or when did the artist lived: The artist lived from 1893 until 1983. This portrait was made in 1919
What kind of art does it represent (i.e. Impressionism, Pop Art): Surrealism When was the portrait done or when did the artist lived: The artist lived from 1893 until 1983. This portrait was made in 1919
What medium is it in (i.e. acrylic paint, photograph, pencil): The artist used oil on canvas.
Where is the self-portrait located: Musée Picasso, Paris, France.
Write a short description of the self-portrait (What does the artist look like? What is the setting of the piece? How big is it ? What is the artist doing?): This is an early self-portrait of the artist. Somewhat in his twenties. In this portrait the artist looks older then he really is. This painting was made while he was in his cubism period. You can clearly see the cubism influences in this painting. The way of the different shapes that are used, a lot of round and squares used. The artist looks directly into the viewers eyes, like he wants to tell you something
The size of the painting is 75cm x 60cm.
My own selfportrait
The self-portrait Assignment 2
1b Collect self-portraits of profile-sites( 5 or more pp) on the internet and put them into your sketchbook
1b Collect self-portraits of profile-sites( 5 or more pp) on the internet and put them into your sketchbook
1b I
Write a short conclusion (50-100 words) where in you give an answer on what people have learned from art when they make self-portraits that they show on their profile-site.
When people make a self-portrait and they then show it on their profile-site I don’t know if they really necessarily have learned from a certain form of art. Maybe people who are very artistic like or very creative in some sort of way, they want to express themselves by making a self-portrait by using a specific kind of art or art technique for example by photographing themselves and then edit this picture. I think that these people already know, or in some cases unconsciously use, art to express themselves. So what I can say about what people have learned from art is how to express themselves in a particular way, being mental or physical appearance.
1b II
And what does a profile site mean to you?
I am not a very artistic like person so I will not make a selfportrait and edit it in some kind of artsy way and then post it on my facebook profile. A profile site to me means basically to gain social contacts within that social network, look at pictures of my friends, look at their posts and status updates. Actually it means to me just what its meant for in basic and that is socializing on the net.
Social Media Assignment Part 1
Make a digital mind map of a project/ topic where in the social web plays an important role. Try to find out how information is gained and spread by different people, organisations etc. Compare it with the We-think project of Charles Leadbeater.
Make a digital mind map of a project/ topic where in the social web plays an important role. Try to find out how information is gained and spread by different people, organisations etc. Compare it with the We-think project of Charles Leadbeater.
A. What kind of media were used ?
The project or topic that I have chosen is the online encyclopedia Wikipedia. The media that is being used with Wikipedia is mainly the internet. There are no other media forms that Wikipedia makes usage of other then the internet.
Wikipedia is a multilingual, web-based, free-content encyclopedia project based on an openly editable model. What makes this so special is the fact that it is an open and editable model. Everyone can edit and add new information on the website no matter your profession.
The project or topic that I have chosen is the online encyclopedia Wikipedia. The media that is being used with Wikipedia is mainly the internet. There are no other media forms that Wikipedia makes usage of other then the internet.
Wikipedia is a multilingual, web-based, free-content encyclopedia project based on an openly editable model. What makes this so special is the fact that it is an open and editable model. Everyone can edit and add new information on the website no matter your profession.
B. What are the results ?
The results of this project is that nowadays Wikipedia is used worldwide. It has grown into one of the largest reference websites. 78 million visitors are attracted monthly to the website, there are more than 91,000 active contributors working on more than 17,000,000 articles in more than 270 languages. As of today, there are 3,579,108 articles in English. Every day, hundreds of thousands of visitors from around the world collectively make tens of thousands of edits and create thousands of new articles to augment the knowledge held by the Wikipedia encyclopedia.
C. What is in your opinion the function of social media in this case ?
Wikipedia doesn’t use popular social media sites like Facebook, Myspace or Twitter for instance. But Wikipedia the site itself can be seen as a social media website too. Facebook and other social websites are all about sharing and updating with your friends. Wikipedia can be seen just like this, it is basically the same. The fact that it is an open sourced reference website means that everybody can use it and edit it. Everyone can put information on the website, people of all ages, cultures and backgrounds can add or edit article prose, references, images and other media here. The fact that we can use information put there by other people, and put information on the site yourself for other people, in one way or the other can be seen as corresponding with each other.
The results of this project is that nowadays Wikipedia is used worldwide. It has grown into one of the largest reference websites. 78 million visitors are attracted monthly to the website, there are more than 91,000 active contributors working on more than 17,000,000 articles in more than 270 languages. As of today, there are 3,579,108 articles in English. Every day, hundreds of thousands of visitors from around the world collectively make tens of thousands of edits and create thousands of new articles to augment the knowledge held by the Wikipedia encyclopedia.
C. What is in your opinion the function of social media in this case ?
Wikipedia doesn’t use popular social media sites like Facebook, Myspace or Twitter for instance. But Wikipedia the site itself can be seen as a social media website too. Facebook and other social websites are all about sharing and updating with your friends. Wikipedia can be seen just like this, it is basically the same. The fact that it is an open sourced reference website means that everybody can use it and edit it. Everyone can put information on the website, people of all ages, cultures and backgrounds can add or edit article prose, references, images and other media here. The fact that we can use information put there by other people, and put information on the site yourself for other people, in one way or the other can be seen as corresponding with each other.
Show the layers of your research of the project in a digital mind map
Digital Mind Map Wikipedia
Digital Mind Map Wikipedia
The social media assignment part 2
Make an idea for a learning/ creative project where in the social web could fit in. Describe how it should be set up.
Make an idea for a learning/ creative project where in the social web could fit in. Describe how it should be set up.
A game designed through means of social media.
Nowadays in the entertainment industry the world of gaming is a booming industry, millions of dollars are made of this market each year. Big game publishing companies are bringing out games throughout the year bigger then ever. Triple A titles like Gears of war for Xbox or Killzone for Playstation 3 are like big blockbuster movies, they are announced big and are promoted and being marketed very well due to the major publishing companies. Although a lot of these games sell well, the people who buy and play the games always find something in the game that is not appealing to them. This can be things varying from game play elements, graphics or sounds. Gamers always complain about things that could have been better in the game.
My idea for a project where the social web fits in is an idea that handles the problems that I just described.
Trough social media gamers can create their own game. The concept will be in some way the same as Wikipedia, there will be a website or some sort of online tool that is open sourced, so everyone with an internet connection can use it. It will have an open and editable model, everybody can put data on it. Note that special game developing software is used for creating an own game, so you must have at least a little bit knowledge in how to work with special programs and tools in making a game.
Everybody can comment or edit someone else’s creation. You can also play someone’s game. It’s basically an online interactive game developing tool.
In the end what it comes down to its actually an web based collaborating based tool to develop games.
Nowadays in the entertainment industry the world of gaming is a booming industry, millions of dollars are made of this market each year. Big game publishing companies are bringing out games throughout the year bigger then ever. Triple A titles like Gears of war for Xbox or Killzone for Playstation 3 are like big blockbuster movies, they are announced big and are promoted and being marketed very well due to the major publishing companies. Although a lot of these games sell well, the people who buy and play the games always find something in the game that is not appealing to them. This can be things varying from game play elements, graphics or sounds. Gamers always complain about things that could have been better in the game.
My idea for a project where the social web fits in is an idea that handles the problems that I just described.
Trough social media gamers can create their own game. The concept will be in some way the same as Wikipedia, there will be a website or some sort of online tool that is open sourced, so everyone with an internet connection can use it. It will have an open and editable model, everybody can put data on it. Note that special game developing software is used for creating an own game, so you must have at least a little bit knowledge in how to work with special programs and tools in making a game.
Everybody can comment or edit someone else’s creation. You can also play someone’s game. It’s basically an online interactive game developing tool.
In the end what it comes down to its actually an web based collaborating based tool to develop games.
Assignment 3 Photography Part 1
Choose a simple topic (for example: doors,windows,flowers, kitchen tools...etc). Make photo’s in a sequence of at least 15 and max. 30. Try to use a lot of photographic techniques as possible with your camera. Try to put your pictures into a sequence, tell a story.
Picture of a door in my room. The first picture I used a black and white effect. If photo's would still be black and white it would like this.
The other picture of the door in my room, but this one is made in normal colors
A picture of my toothbrush made in an ''old colored'' styled photograph. I adjusted the colormode of the camera to sepia, the result is that the photo looks like an old photo.
In this photo I adjusted the color mode back to normal, so you can compare the two photos.
The next two pictures I played with the ISO sensitivity. The first photo that you see is made with the ISO set on 100. You can that in comparison with the other photo this one is more detailed pixelwise.
This photo I made in 3200 ISO, you can clearly see that this one is less detailed.
Just like the last two photos I experimented a little bit with the ISO settings. This photo is made with the ISO settings adjusted to 200.
This photo in comparison with the photo above is made with the ISO settings adjusted at 1600. The difference between the two photos is that the first one is more detailed when zoomed in. In the second photo you can see the pixels far more clearer then the in the first one. This one is also lighter then the first which is much darker.
With these photos I played with the EV settings, Those are the settings you use to determine your brightness and darkness in your photos. On this one I adjusted the EV at the minimum brightnesslevel -2.0. Which explains the photo is very dark.

This photo I adjusted the EV at the maximum brightnesslevel +2.0. You can clearly see that the picture is very bright.
These two photos were made with different flash levels. This one is made with a higher flash intensity. You can clearly see that the flash that was used is way more higher then the on the other photo. This photo is much more brighter

This one is made with a lower flash intensity. You can clearly see the difference in light and brightness, this photo has lesser light then the photo above and is darker, because of the reduced flash.

For the following photos I used the white balance. This one the white balance is set on automatic, so its auto adjusted for natural colors.
On this one I adjusted the white balance on Fluorescent Light 3. The lighting on this one is a day white fluorescent light. The colors on this one have a much more darker and warmer tone then the first one.

Also for these two photos I tried to use the white balance. For this one I also set the white balance on auto.
For this photo I used the Incandescent option.
This option is used when the photo is made under incandescent light or video lights. Note that the second photo has a much more cooler look, the colors are not as warm as on the first photo.

The next photos are made with different kinds of color modes. This photo is made on natural color mode. The photo has a much more quiet and lighter look on behalf of the coloring.
This photo is made on vivid color mode. With these settings the photo has a deeper and vivid color.
I played with the Metering mode in these photos. This one is adjusted on multi, that means that the exposure is balanced throughout the whole frame.
This one is adjusted on Spot, that means that the exposure is based on the brightness of a central point. You can clearly see that this one is brighter then the other one because of the brightness that is based on a central point. On the first one there is less brightness because it is more widespread troughout the frame.
I again played with the ISO settings on these photos. This one is made with the ISO set on 400.
And this photo is made with the ISO set on 800. You can see the difference between the two in levels of brightness and pixels. The first one is you can say a higher quality photo by the looks of it, because when zoomed in it is more detailed then the second one. With the second one you can see the pixels very clear when zoomed in. The first also has a warmer feel then the second one.
The other picture of the door in my room, but this one is made in normal colors
In this photo I adjusted the color mode back to normal, so you can compare the two photos.
This photo I made in 3200 ISO, you can clearly see that this one is less detailed.
This photo in comparison with the photo above is made with the ISO settings adjusted at 1600. The difference between the two photos is that the first one is more detailed when zoomed in. In the second photo you can see the pixels far more clearer then the in the first one. This one is also lighter then the first which is much darker.
With these photos I played with the EV settings, Those are the settings you use to determine your brightness and darkness in your photos. On this one I adjusted the EV at the minimum brightnesslevel -2.0. Which explains the photo is very dark.
This photo I adjusted the EV at the maximum brightnesslevel +2.0. You can clearly see that the picture is very bright.
This one is made with a lower flash intensity. You can clearly see the difference in light and brightness, this photo has lesser light then the photo above and is darker, because of the reduced flash.
For the following photos I used the white balance. This one the white balance is set on automatic, so its auto adjusted for natural colors.
On this one I adjusted the white balance on Fluorescent Light 3. The lighting on this one is a day white fluorescent light. The colors on this one have a much more darker and warmer tone then the first one.
Also for these two photos I tried to use the white balance. For this one I also set the white balance on auto.
For this photo I used the Incandescent option.
This option is used when the photo is made under incandescent light or video lights. Note that the second photo has a much more cooler look, the colors are not as warm as on the first photo.
The next photos are made with different kinds of color modes. This photo is made on natural color mode. The photo has a much more quiet and lighter look on behalf of the coloring.
This photo is made on vivid color mode. With these settings the photo has a deeper and vivid color.
I played with the Metering mode in these photos. This one is adjusted on multi, that means that the exposure is balanced throughout the whole frame.
And this photo is made with the ISO set on 800. You can see the difference between the two in levels of brightness and pixels. The first one is you can say a higher quality photo by the looks of it, because when zoomed in it is more detailed then the second one. With the second one you can see the pixels very clear when zoomed in. The first also has a warmer feel then the second one.
Assignment 3 Photography part 2
Make a photo Essay of at least ten pictures about a subject that reflects your way of thinking and living in the digital area.
In every photo you must try to use a photographical technique to give your picture a good expression of your meaning.
a. what is your subject and angle of the photo essay? What is the essay’s message? Brainstorm and Make a short description in your sketchbook
The subject that I tried to portray in this photoessay is the usage of the old media. And by old media I mean still images like billboards. In my photo essay I made pictures of billboards alongside the road, billboards in front of shops and stores. In this modern day and age with all the new techniques that are available, still images are still being used. Everywhere you look there are billboards, and people started using them a long time ago, and still make use of them today.
For me that means that pictures and still images still speak to peoples imagination. And I think that we will continue in making use of still images and billboards in the future, because it is still a usefool tool in advertising. The photos are made in an oldstyle color. That represents the usage of still images and billboards since they began, it is and old tool in advertising something but it still works, that's why I decided to shoot the pictures in sepia (old colors).
The link to my photo essay:
Assignment 4: Instruction movie
Make an instruction movie about the making of something that you can learn to someone else. The movie will give instruction to people who are interested in this topic. The act you’ve got to film can be a dance, a sport act, playing music or an instrument or how to make a kind of product.
Make a plan for this task and a storyboard for your instruction movie.
Search for other examples of instruction movies and try to find out more styles for making these kind of movies.
Other examples of instruction movies that have different styles and that I liked personally: